Why I still Have This Thing Is Anyones Guess....
Should prob use this as another thingo for the band.*sniggers silently at the word "Band"* heheheheh band......anyways.....we may be a band, we may like to sit round staring into space attempting to play bits and pieces of random shit (good random shit albeit...)...but we are oh-so-unorganised....ok...Chris IS organised.....Dan and Matt/Adam/whoever and myself...are not....Debba and Tash thats where you come in...*ahem* lol you gotta round us rowdy lot up one day and superglue us to one another and make us practice...how we will actually manage to practice whilst superglued to one another is beyond me but thats why you're the MANAGERS! heheheheheh you guys have the answers to everything! except maybe as to why they bothered making different coloured M+M's when all the little bastards taste the fucken same! well im gonna go heat up some pizza and see if anyone else in online, Ja Ne FUDEBAKO-NESS!....wonder is that actualy MEANS blackboard in Japanese or not....? *shrugs*
hello monsignor pot calling the kettle fat... YOU HAVEN'T POSTED ON YOUR BLOG SINCE YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY! (except for the one that you posted today...)
April 12, 2005 at 1:01 AM
and it was an attack on us. you dont have a drummer anymopre can i tell you that tash weill sing for food and play the tamborene. i can't do nothin' except beat up the tambo player or humm in cohereintly. of long periods of time and if you sugar me up i'll sing and bring out the acouristic. or the recorder same with tash
April 13, 2005 at 6:16 AM
oh, thanks for the comment-fay![insert free plug for my blog]http://naxuiisnotinapantstrance.blogspot.com/2005/04/ahj-meer-sa-fanna-ba-rae.html . no, we didn't go and see warhol, we saw the top designs exibition *salivating*....
Heh, and the magazine was fun.
April 13, 2005 at 7:20 PM
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